The detergent we use contains Sodium lauryl sulfate. It practically kills all types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoans and other microbial agents. It will completely disinfect the surfaces of your oven killing all harmful, disease-causing pathogens. Our oven cleaning services in Albir will send a specialist that will thoroughly scrub the rest of your appliance, removing all traces of greasy food and burnt leftovers. When all the parts are perfectly cleaned, the technician will assemble and test the oven. He will also place FREE oven shelf guard and Teflon oven liner on your oven. Once the oven is clean, you will also receive a magnet with a TimeStrip for your fridge. It’s pressed once the service is completed and will indicate when is the next time to get your oven professionally cleaned. You can start using your cooker right after the service! This procedure is suitable for all types of ovens, as well as for AGA and other types of range cookers.