Live in care for older people living in the costa blanca

Remain at home for as long as safely possible, retaining the familiarity, friends and memories that accompanies living under your own roof.

Many older people wish to remain at home for as long as safely possible, retaining the familiarity, friends and memories that accompanies living under your own roof. Moving to an assisted living facility is a life-changing and typically upsetting step, and so it is not surprising that it is often delayed until no other options remain.

Live in care presents a compelling alternative to assisted living, allowing the individual to maintain their independence and quality of life, whilst being safely supported by highly-trained and experienced carers. Not only does live in care ensure that you or your loved one is physically and practically supported, but the companionship provided promotes emotional well-being, enabling the individual to stay healthier for longer.

How Live-in Care works?

When you decide that Vevara care is right for you, our job is to find someone who can best meet your needs and that you’ll really enjoy having around.

All our live-in carers are fully trained and have the right personality to look after you, but not everyone can be a live-in carer, many have their own families to look after too. So, our specialist live-in teams are highly experienced people who can commit dedicated time to you.

Matching people takes time. We start by meeting you to learn more about you, your interests, care needs and preferences. We try hard to match people with similar hobbies and to satisfy your preferences – perhaps you want a male or female live-in carer depending on your personal care requirements?

We then set up a two-week trial and your new Vevara carer moves in. After this trial period, we review the service carefully with you to ensure that it’s working the way you want and agree any necessary adjustments to your care plan.

Your right to respect, your privacy, dignity, independence and security are always top of our list, so our carers:

  • are welcomed by you and never intrude
  • preserve your self-respect
  • give you space to be yourself
  • keep you safe when you need them to


Cost of Live-in Care

Vevara. Your home. Your care. Your choice.

Live-in care costs vary, however our services are competitive and provide excellent value for the quality we deliver.

The cost of your care will depend on your needs and we will be able to advise you of our rates once we have met with you and thoroughly understand the at home assisted living service you require. We also provide competitive rates for couples.

There are a number of ways to fund your care – you may be eligible for financial support from your local council or you may want to fund it yourself. Whatever your circumstances, we can help work out the best way forward for you – so call our dedicated Live-in Care Team today on: +34634324648

Your home. Your care. Your choice.

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