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What is a Caregiver?

1 posts
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Respuestas: 35
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Registrado: hace 5 years

What is a caregiver? In simple terms, a caregiver is a person who tends to the needs or concerns of a person with short- or long-term limitations due to illness, injury or disability. The term “family caregiver” describes individuals who care for members of their family of origin, but also refers to those who care for their family of choice. This could be members of their congregation, neighbors or close friends. Family caregivers play a significant role in health care, as they are often the main source of valuable information about the patient. To understand the importance of a caregiver, think of health care as a three-legged stool. Family caregivers serve as one leg of the stool; professional caregivers (doctors, nurses, etc.) act as another; and the care recipient is the third leg. Without all three legs, health care cannot be as effective as it needs to be.



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