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Home care in Spain: A guide for expats

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Home Care in Spain: A guide for expats


Home care in Spain a guide for expats. The age old adage “we get by with a little help from out friends” is applicable throughout our lifetimes. For those who have decided to move to Spain and live out the rest of their days they might be missing out on some of the support they could have received from the tight knit community back home.


How to Apply for Services


It is important to note, you do not have to be a Spanish citizen to receive services, but you will need to register with your local town hall on the census record (padron) This will entitle you to council and other services. This does not make you a Spanish resident but it is a major part of the process. From here you will be able to go to the town hall (ayuntamiento) and request a social worker to assess your case. Typically when requesting long-term home care assistance it is required to have spent five total years of your life in Spain, two of them being consecutive immediately prior to your application. If you have any pre-existing disabilities they will also be assessed with assistance from the assigned social worker to see what percentage of addition services you may qualify for.


Home Care Services


  • Carry out Physician’s Medical Plan of Treatment
  • Monitor Complex Health Conditions
  • Assistance with Medical Equipment
  • Administration of IVs
  • Catheters
  • Tube Feeding
  • Dressing Changes
  • Wound Care
  • Medication Management & Assistance
  • Trach Care
  • Assistance getting in and out of bed 
  • Toileting, Bathing & Personal Hygiene
  • Transportation Assistance


Types of Care and their Costs


There are three primary types of home care: government issued, charitable workers, and private home care. All three will offer a variety of services pending on autonomous region and financial status. It is best to consult the town hall before making a decision. The cost for government issued home care will depend on the frequency of visits required. On average it will be €20-30 per hour granted you qualify for some subsidised help. Private home care varies vastly on what type of attendee you require. For a qualified worker, the price is not too different from government assigned care, at €25-35 per hour. If you require a registered nurse that hourly wage can reach €50 per hour. Lastly charitable workers will work for free but are entirely dependent on the community. They can assist with day to day tasks such as eating, changing, and transportation. For non-contributory pensioners there is some extra assistance if you are on low income and are a registered resident in Spain. You will need to be over 65 years of age and have lived 10 years in Spain from the age of 16. If you have any disabilities the required time of residency is reduced to five years. The maximum amount receivable for non-contributors is €5,693.20.

The percentage of what subsidy you will receive for home care has a few at large factors, mainly your financial status. Pensions, savings, and any other source of monetary value is taken into account. After that your level of dependency and any other disabilities are taken into account. If choosing to pay for these services with you pension it is important to note that no more than 80 per cent can be withdrawn, regardless the cost, for government issued care. While seeking private care, they are expecting to be paid in full, which can result in a 100 per cent transferal of your pension.

Fortunately there are other options here in Spain for you to lean on to continue living at the highest quality possible.




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